The Wife Camp

It’s the late 21st to early 22nd century and any woman  seeking to marry the man she loves must first prove to society that she can be a good wife, mother home maker.  Women are required to attend a training camp to learn these skills before a marriage license can be issue. No certificate equals no license.  Some think it’s a good idea and others thinks it’s a horrible idea. Come conform and others resist.

It’s a dystopian novel in many ways but not the traditional way.



The Wife Camp ebook

About unholypursuit

A. White, an award winning former librarian, who is also a long time member of Romantic Time and Publisher's Weekly. A. White has been writing for over fifteen years. She took classes in creative writing in college, specializing in ancient myths and legends. and later at a local community center while living in Chicago. In college she won the national contest to verbally list every country in the world, it's capital and ingenious language. Her works are mainly horror, fantasy, extreme, and sci-fi as well as, as some may says, "the truly strange predicament and puzzling." Books that I've written are "Clash with the Immortals, and eleven others which are part of the "Unholy Pursuit saga,". She has been working on the Chronicles since 2007. She wished to complete them all before introducing them to public so the readers wouldn't have to for the continuation to be written. The ideas of the book come from classic literature such as whose work greatly influence the world world such as Homer, Sophocles, Herodotus, Euripides, Socrates, Hippocrates, Aristophanes, Plato, Aristotle and many more. The "Book of Enoch" influenced the usage of Azazael as a main character and love interest. I created the primary main character from the Chronicle of Saints. I wanted to show them as real flesh and blood with thoughts, desires and yearning as any human. Not as they are so often depicted. So I created one of my own to show her as a real human that everyone can relate to.
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11 Responses to The Wife Camp

  1. Pingback: The Wife Camp By A. White – The Militant Negro™

  2. The setting of the story, it’s the late 21st to early 22nd century and many view the feminist movement which begin in the 19th century for all the social ills of their era. Matrimony rate has plunged to merely 11%. Unwed mothers are at a staggering rate of 89% of the births. Crime is out of control. More children are in the criminal justice system than in school system.

    In an attempt to rebuild society and stabilize the family unit governments around the world takes matters into their own hands by encouraging a strong family unity to combat the severe juvenile delinquency running amok by offering a reward and incentive of a good job, house and a hovercraft only if the couple agrees to a test. But the catch is the woman must stay at home.

    Any woman seeking to marry the man she loves must first prove to society that she can be a good wife, mother home maker. Women are required to attend a training camp to learn these skills before a marriage license can be issue. No certificate equals no license.

    It’s a story about instead of addressing the real issues creating these situations that are rendering society apart it’s always easier to blame others.

    It’s a fictional story and I hope to goodness never becomes a reality. When I wrote this I had no idea even a such thing existed. Wow!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. To answer a question asked about this is book. Is it based off Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid Tale.” No, it is not. Actually, I can’t think of a book I have read similar to it. Yes, the issue of women’s lives or the lack of freedom is a subject line but not the entire story. It’s more about society experiencing or exhibiting nostalgia, sentimental or wistful yearning for the happiness felt in a former place, time, or situation that was never real nor as good as it seemed.


  4. Amanda Stevens says:

    This doesn’t need to wait until the distant future, another century. It’s happening now. Many married women you would think they married Jesus Christ the Son of God from the way they carry on over their man. I love my husband but he isn’t my god. GEE! The picture it’s about right. They start looking crazy like the lady in the picture.

    On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 11:04 PM, The Novel: UnHoly Pursuit: Devil on my Tra

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Manuel says:

    Is this like “The Handmaid Tale?”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Jackie Verlander says:

    I heard a movie is being made of “The Handmaid Tale”. You say this is not like “The Handmaid Tale”, can you give us an idea what’s about. I like the cover.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, thanks for visiting. Yes, I heard there’s a movie being made too. Thanks for liking the cover.

      Since I can’t reveal a plot yet let’s put it this way. 🙂 The people in this novel are suffering from history revisionism.


  7. Pingback: The Age of the Child by Kristen Tsetsi | The Novel: UnHoly Pursuit: Devil on my Trail

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